Labor Trafficking. Also, Cheap Chicken, Cheap Labor.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5.
PROGRAM # 7646 12:00 PM PT

Labor Trafficking.

The number of reported crimes of human trafficking in the US is growing at an alarming rate. A watchdog US organization that operates a national hotline to detect human trafficking and labor exploitation cases is calling attention to visa-sanctioned trafficking and is joining a Mexican non-governmental organization to launch anti-trafficking hotlines on both countries.

Guests: My Lo, International anti-human trafficking profesional, Polaris,, Colorado Springs, CO; Luis Wertman Zaslav, President, Consejo Ciudadano de la Ciudad de México, Ciudad de Mexico, D.F.,

Also, Cheap Chicken, Cheap Labor. While sales of chicken are booming and poultry industry profits grow to record levels in the US, poultry workers are earning low wages, working in dangerous conditions and suffering of high rates of injury and disease, according to a new report. Advocates zero in on the four largest poultry companies that control the domestic market.

Guest: Minor Sinclair, Oxfam America, US Regional Director, Washington, DC,; Report: “Lives on the Line: The Human Cost of Cheap Chicken.”; “Jorge”, poultry worker, Alabama.

Photo: trafficking resource

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