Mexico-US Guestworkers.


When Canada, the U.S. and Mexico signed NAFTA, they also signed labor accords and the receiving country agreed to provide the same labor protections to migrant workers as to viagra online real their national workers. Migrant rights groups have complained that farmworkers and fair and carnaval workers suffer unequal treatment and are often paid below mínimum wage and other abuses. The complaints made by alleged victims, and the legal procedures started by several pro-migrant rights groups, compelled the labor secretaries of the U.S. and Mexico to meet and signed a Declaration where both countries vow to take action against labor law violations.

Guests: Jessica Stender, Legal Director, Centro De Los Derechos Del Migrante Inc., México, D.F., ; Jorge Palafox, Carnival Worker (2013), Víctim, Labor rights violated, Michoacán, Mexico

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