Guest Workers and Health Care Law.

Thursday 2_673x324The rights and responsibilities of migrants who work in the United States with temporary H-2A and H-2B visas under the Affordable Care Act have been largely absent from the national discussion, despite the fact that they often work in some of the US’ highest-risk environments. A farmworker health advocate and an ACA enrollment specialist answer basic questions for workers who visit the US temporarily and often travel from state to state. Are they required to comply with the minimum coverage mandated by the law? Are they eligible for Medicaid? Can they purchase health insurance in the marketplace? Can they get subsidies? What are the obligations of employers of guest workers?

Guests: Virginia Ruiz, Director of Occupational & Environmental Health, Farmworker Justice, Washington, DC,; Melissa Torres, Enrollment Supervisor, Greene County Health Care, Snow Hill, NC

Photo: Farmworker Justice/Facebook

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