Guest Workers Win Trafficking Case.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25.
PROGRAM # 7482 12:00 PM PT

Guest Workers Win Trafficking Case.

A federal jury awarded more than 14 million to five Indian guest workers who claimed they were defrauded and subjected to labor trafficking, racketeering and false imprisonment by a Gulf Coast company. More than 200 other worker claims are pending, in a case that, combined with others, is announced as one of the largest labor trafficking cases in US history. More recently, the Government Accountability Office released a scathing report describing fundamental problems within the H-2 visa program that make abuses against guest workers all too common. Labor lawyers who advocate for guest workers and two former H-2B workers speak about these issues.

Guests: Rachel Micah-Jones, Executive Director, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Mexico City,; Meredith Stewart, Staff Attorney, Southern Poverty Law Center, New Orleans, LA,; (Pre-taped interviews) “Ismael” and “Nicanor,” Former H-2 Guest Workers.

Photo: New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice

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