Línea Abierta: 20 Years II.

Thursday 3_673x324This anniversary edition features segments of two significant Línea Abierta programas aired on 2006: the special news coverage of the immigration megarallies, and the live interview with activist Elvira Arellano from inside the church where she had taken sanctuary to defy her deportation orders. Listeners comment on the information service provided by this radio forum over the past twenty years.

Guests: (Audio Cuts) Demonstrator Jesús reports from Castroville, CA, Contributor Rosalba Piña reports from Chicago, Demonstrator Hugo Reports from Denver; Elvira Arellano Interviewed by Rosalba Piña.

Photo: Radio Bilingüe/Flickr

For more information about Linea Abierta click here

To visit Linea Abierta audio archives go to archivosderb.org

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