Farmworkers Face Wendy’s and Wall Street. Public Takeover of PG&E? Another School Shooting.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18
PROGRAM # 8740 12:00 PM PT

Farmworkers Face Wendy’s and Wall Street.

Farmworkers from Florida and supporters protest at the New York offices of the largest shareholder of Wendy’s, urging the fast-food chain to sign up to a fair food agreement to help eradicate forced labor and sexual abuse in the fields. The powerful Wall Street firm behind Wendy’s is owned by an influential billionaire investor. The company replied in writing, stating that “Wendy’s has a Code of Conduct for its suppliers that includes requirements on human rights and labor practices, and that are monitored through periodic audits, and that its tomatoes are picked in a responsible manner.” A leader of tomato pickers dispues this assertion.

Guest: Oscar Otzoy, Spokesperson, Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee, New York, NY.

Public Takeover of PG&E? Warning that the utility company PG&E has been found responsible for hundreds of wildfires and leaving millions of residents without power, and that “if it were a person it would be in jail,” community groups are urging California Gov. Gavin Newsom to come up with a plan to turn this private company into a publicly-owned utility, so that “money from profits is invested in people.” Is the state ready for this responsibility? A leading proponent discusses this idea.

Guest: Jasmin Vargas, Organizer, Food and Water Action, Los Angeles, CA

Another School Shooting. Los Angeles was rocked by yet another mass shooting in a local high school. Three students are dead and three injured at Saugus High School. This is the latest of about a dozen mass shootings striking US high schools or colleges this year. Many parents ask in fear: “When will we have the next tragedy?.” A leading educator joins this conversation and addresses the questions: How to prevent the next tragedy? He also talks about the role of parents, organized teachers, and political leaders in dealing with this crisis of gun violence.

Guest: Juan Ramirez, Elementary Vice President, United Teachers Los Angeles – UTLA, Los Angeles, CA.


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