Fieldworkers Living in the Shadows.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16
PROGRAM # 9919 12:00 PM PT

Fieldworkers Living in the Shadows.

Agriculture is a key pillar of California’s thriving economy. Yet, those working the fields face dire working conditions and serious health challenges. A new, landmark study shows many farmworkers in California live with chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure or have been infected with Covid-19 and don’t have health insurance. Most report food insecurity and do not qualify for unemployment insurance benefits. An author of the study discusses the findings and “the need for a deeper look at current policies, laws and practices in agricultural workplaces.”

Guests: Dr. Edward Flores, Professor, Sociology, Director, Community and Labor Center, María Eraña, Program Producer/Broadcast Director, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA; Others TBA.

Photo: Tim Mossholder via Unsplash

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