Guest Workers in the Crosshairs.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4.
PROGRAM # 7711 12:00 PM PT

Guest Workers in the Crosshairs.

In the recent omnibus budget bill, the US Congress included a provision that will expand the H-2B guest visa program while removing funds from the Department of Labor to make it harder for the agency to enforce key protections for those guest workers. Last fall, business-supported bills were also introduced in the House and Senate that would roll back other H-2B worker protections implemented by the Departments of Labor and Homeland Security in the spring of 2015. In this program, experts and guest workers discuss these policy developments.

Guests: Elizabeth Mauldin, Advocacy Director, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Baltimore, MD; Daniel Costa, Director, Immigration Law and Policy Research,  Economic Policy Institute, Visiting Scholar, University of California, Merced, Merced, CA.


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