Baltimore Riots, Curfew. Also, New Rules for Guest Workers.

Wednesday 2_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29.
PROGRAM # 7510 12:00 PM PT

Baltimore Riots, Curfew.

Baltimore exploded into violent riots following the funeral for Freddie Gray, a young African American who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody. A curfew has been imposed and thousands of police and National Guard troops patrol the streets. A top civil rights advocate and a police reform activist comment on this.

Guests: President Obama Statement on Baltimore Violence (Audio Recording), White House; Martin Castro, Chair, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Chicago, IL,; Adriana Camarena, Spokesperson, Coalition for Justice for Alex Nieto and Amilcar Pérez, San Francisco, CA.

Also, New Rules for Guest Workers. The U.S. Departments of Labor and Homeland Security announced new rules to reform the H-2B visa program for temporary, foreign workers contracted by nonagricultural industries. The new rules include protections against fraud, and for more transparency.

Guest: Alissa Escarce, Communications Coordinator, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Mexico City,

Photo: Arash Azizzada/Flickr

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