Supreme Court and Health Care Subsidies.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24.
PROGRAM # 7550 12:00 PM PT

Supreme Court and Health Care Subsidies.

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to announce this week a decision on the case King v. Burwell, challenging the legality of health care subsidies. What’s at stake for the Affordable Care Act and consumers? Who would be affected if the court rules against the subsidies? How would it change health insurance coverage? Health policy analysts discuss these and other questions and listeners chime in.

Guests: Edgar M. Gil Rico, Senior Director for Innovation and Program Development, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Washington, D.C.,; Marcela Vargas, Project Coordinator, Institute for Hispanic Health, National Council of La Raza, Washington, D.C.,

Photo: SEIU/Flickr

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