Overcoming Abusive Relationships. Also, Wal-Mart Joins Pro-Farmworker Agreement.


A renowned Latina psychologist joins this edition to talk about the need to break the silence and isolation that grips women who are victims of domestic violence. Dr. Ana Nogales, founder and clinical director of Casa de la Familia, a non-profit organization that helps victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual abuse and other crimes, discusses alternatives and gives practical advice for women to overcome abusive relationships.

Guest: Dr. Ana L. Nogales, Founder, Nogales Psychological Counseling, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, http://www.casadelafamilia.org/

Also, Wal-Mart Joins Pro-Farmworker Agreement. Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, signed historic agreement with organized farm workers in Florida, by which the influential corporation agrees to pay one more cent per pound of tomatoes and buy tomatoes that are picked in responsible working conditions. In this exclusive interview, a leading negotiator gives the first details about the agreement.

Guest: Lucas Benítez, Coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL, www.ciw-online.org

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