Farm Worker Unionization in San Quintin.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18.
PROGRAM # 7655 12:00 PM PT

Farm Worker Unionization in San Quintin.

After widespread strikes protesting low wages and exploitation, farm laborers in the agro-export fields of San Quintin in Northern Mexico are building an independent labor union to bargain collectively for contract agreements. Recently, a union claiming to represent farm laborers around the nation was launched in Mexico City. A major hurdle to get recognized as independent union are the “employer protection contracts,” signed with fraudulent unions. These and other developments are discussed with a leader of the indigenous farm worker communities and experts in labor studies and law.

Guest: Fidel Sánchez, Spokesperson, Alianza de Organizaciones Nacional, Estatal y Municipal por la Justicia Social, San Quintín, MX; Attorney Héctor Barba García, Legal Advisor, Unión Nacional de Trabajadores and La Alianza, Mexico City; Dr. Gaspar Rivera Salgado, Sociologist, Project Director, Center for Labor Research and Education, UCLA, Leader of Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales, Los Angeles, CA.


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