Farm Drought.


California, the leading agricultural producer, is experiencing one of the driest years on record and water shortages are harming farms and small towns. The farm drought has hit the San Joaquin Valley the hardest. Half a million acres are being fallowed, drinking water imperiled, and thousands of jobs are at risk. President Obama and Gov. Brown have signed drought emergency aid packages and California House Republicans are advancing a bill to get more water pumped into San Joaquin Valley farms. A panel looks into the effects of the current drought on farmworking families and communities, as well as proposals to improve water management around the state.

Guests: Linda Escalante, Policy Advocate, Natural Resource Defense Council, Los Angeles, CA, ; Dr. Samuel Sandoval Solís, Specialist in Water Management, Assistant Professor, UC Davis, Davis, CA ; Joe Del Bosque, Member of California Latino Water Coalition, Firebaugh, CA, ; Diana Tellefson Torres, United Farm Workers Vice President, Executive Director of the UFW Foundation, Los Angeles, CA,



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