Health For All: New Push. Also, Fighting the Hunger Crisis.

Thursday_673x324 9121THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17
PROGRAM # 9121 12:00 PM PST

Health For All: New Push.

Stating that the Covid-19 pandemic has hit hardest communities of color, farmworkers and other essential workers, a state legislator from California’s Central Valley is renewing his effort to expand Medi-Cal health care coverage to undocumented immigrants. In this conversation, he explains the content and the prospects for the bill.

Guest: Assemblyman Joaquín Arámbula, D-Fresno, Fresno, CA.

Fighting the Hunger Crisis. The coronavirus crisis is devastating the economy of Latino families and more and more are struggling to afford food. In this conversation, the head of the largest local agency of social services in the country talks about her efforts to deal with the hunger crisis in the absence of federal relief. She dispels fears from immigrant families to access CalFresh benefits, formerly food stamps, reports about the new and safe program to purchase groceries online using EBT cards, the measures to fight malnutrition among Latino families who live in food deserts, and the need to get healthcare coverage via Medi-Cal.

Guest: Antonia Jiménez, Director, Department of Public Social Services, County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Dr. Joaquin Arambula/Twitter

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