Wage Theft, Air Pollution.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30.
PROGRAM # 7620 12:00 PM PT

Wage Theft, Air Pollution.

Warning that companies that pollute the air are the same ones that cheat the workers, labor and environmental groups are joining forces to push for laws, currently pending in Sacramento, that help workers recover earnings lost to wage theft and reduce oil pollution. They say wage theft and air pollution are concentrated in the poorest neighborhoods and in communities of color. The coalition convenes a public forum today in Oakland, CA, coinciding with a vote in the city to put resources into enforcing local, progressive minimum wage measures.

Guests: Petra Reynaga, Janitor, Burger King, San Leandro, CA; David Huerta, President, United Service Workers West – Service Employees International Union, Los Angeles, CA; Patricia Contreras Flores, Community Organizer, East Bay Alliance for Sustainable Economy E-Base, Oakland, CA.

Photo: Local 79.org / ohiocitizen.org

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