Student Debt Relief.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 29
PROGRAM # 9728 12:00 PM PT

Student Debt Relief.

President Biden announced a plan to provide $10,000 in student debt relief for millions of people who are making less than $125,000. The plan targets middle-class and lower-income families. Biden also seeks to restrict future payments on college loans. Who is set to benefit from this relief? What to do to benefit from it? Is it shielded against legal challenges? What to do to help those students who continue struggling with the inflated costs of higher education? 

Guests: Dr. Miguel Cardona, US Secretary of Education, Washington, DC; Dr. Antonio Flores, President, Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, San Antonio, TX; Miguel Santiago, State Assemblymember, D-LA, Sacramento, CA; Santiago Sueiro, Senior Policy Advisor, UnidosUS, Virginia Beach, VI.

Photo: U.S. Department of Education via facebook

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