Colorado Gun Reforms. Free School Meals for All Students. A Worker Owned Mushroom Farm Coop?

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19
PROGRAM # 9980 12:00 PM PT

Colorado Gun Reforms.

Amid growing Capitol rallies by students protesting school shootings, the Colorado legislature passed the most significant package of gun control legislation in state history. The bills include raising the age limit to purchase firearms; making it easier to sue gun manufacturers; and expanding the state’s red-flag law. The package of gun reform bills puts Colorado on the forefront of the national firearm debate.

Free School Meals for All Students. School districts around Colorado are planning to offer free meals to all students next year through a new state program approved by voters last November. The new program, funded with a tax on high earners, will make Colorado one of only a handful of states to offer free school meals to all students. Advocates examine the implementation plans.

A Worker Owned Mushroom Farm Coop? After a mushroom farm filed for bankruptcy in December, displaced workers began considering the idea of forming a co-op in an effort to buy and run the Alamosa-based mushroom farm. At its peak the mushroom farm employed more than 200 immigrant workers.

Photo: Colin Lloyd via Unsplash

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