Stimulus Bill and Immigrant Families. Also, Covid-19 Contact Tracing in Migrant Communities.

Wednesday_673x324(1)WEDNESDAY, JULY 29
PROGRAM # 8959 12:00 PM PT

Stimulus Bill and Immigrant Families.

Senate Republicans released a bill, the Heals Act, announced as the latest relief plan for the Covid-19 crisis. The new package continues imposing penalties on immigrants, excluding immigrant families from the stimulus checks and raising fees on all immigration applications. Today, a House committee holds a hearing on this matter and the backlogs of citizenship. An advocate comments on this topic and on yesterday’s federal memo that curtails renovations of DACA permits and rejects new applications.

Guest: Diego Iñiguez-López, Campaign and Policy Manager, National Partnership for New Americans, Washington, DC.

Covid-19 Contact Tracing in Migrant Communities. A public health analyst talks about efforts in rural counties in Washington and Oregon states to ramp up Covid contact tracing in migrant, farm working communities. She explains how contact tracing works and comments on her work to overcome the reluctance of many infected people to identify their contacts, the help counties provide to those who go into isolation or quarantine, and the stigma associated with the disease. She also comments on the severe lack of federal planning to be able to deal with the huge surge of infections, and the extremely long waits to get the results back. “Without having the results of the Covid tests, you work in the dark, and until you know the case is positive you can’t start the contact tracing; this situation doesn’t help public health.”

Guest: Dr. Marta Induni, Program Director of Tracing Health, Public Health Institute, Berkeley, CA.


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