Eviction Protections Extended. Also, The Fight for More Covid Relief.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8
PROGRAM # 9162 12:00 PM PST

Eviction Protections Extended.

California Gov. Newsom signed a law that extends eviction protections through the end of June and gives $2.6 billion in rental relief. Last year’s law that banned evictions for unpaid rent for tenants who paid at least 25% of their rent owed has just expired. Newsom and leaders of the legislature pledged to pass a law offering more assistance later this year. An advocate examines the state law and provides advice to tenants impacted by the crisis.

Guest: Stephano Medina, Skadden Fellow, Eviction Defense Network, Los Angeles, CA.

The Fight for More Covid Relief. Congress cleared the way to allow Democrats to pass a Covid-19 relief bill without Republican support. Still, the debate on preventing upper income taxpayers from receiving $1,400 Covid relief checks and on the hike in the minimum wage to $15 an hour will continue. An analyst comment on the content of the relief bill so far, and on some guiding principles for the economic plan, like thinking big about spending, especially in public health, and giving more aid to those struggling the most.

Guests: Andrés Vinelli, Vice President of Economic Policy, Center for American Progress, Washington, DC.

Photo: gov.ca.gov

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