Essential Protection for Essential Workers. Worker’s Comp for Frontline Workers. Protecting Immigrant Detainees.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, MAY 21
PROGRAM # 8892 12:00 PM PT

Essential Protection for Essential Workers.

One in three grocery store employees say their companies have not instituted new workplace cleaning procedures and protecting gear to help them survive the Covid-19 crisis. New York’s Attorney General Office is looking into workers complaints.

Guest: TBA.

Worker’s Comp for Frontline Workers. Worker’s Compensation insurance benefits are now more available to workers in California who contract Covid-19 during the current Stay-at-Home period. The legal presumption that the infection was acquired at the workplace benefits workers on the pandemic frontlines. A labor lawyer explains the new order.

Guest: Marcelo Dieguez, Attorney, Worker’s Compensation Law Expert, Irvine, CA.

Protecting Immigrant Detainees. California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara is sponsoring a bill to protect immigrants held in for-profit detention centers from Covid-19. In this conversation, Lara explains the legislation and points to the tragic consequences at a detention center in San Diego, a hotspot in the nation, where an immigrant recently died of Covid-19.

Guest: Ricardo Lara, Insurance Commissioner, State of California, Los Angeles, CA.


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