American Jobs Plan. Also, California Budget Plan.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16
PROGRAM # 9289 12:00 PM PDT

American Jobs Plan.

Infrastructure negotiations between the White House and a group of Republican senators have collapsed and President Biden said he will continue talks with other members of a bipartisan group on a backup infrastructure plan. Biden also spoke to Democratic leaders advising them to begin crafting a bill that can pass without any Republican votes through the fast-track budget process known as reconciliation. This is a report on the major issues in contention in the latest negotiations.

Guest: Jose Lopez Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC.

California Budget Plan. Leaders of the California legislature and Gov. Newsom are scheduled to finalize a budget agreement. The budget is the largest in California state history. Analysts review the final agreement and comment on the funding of key areas for Latino working families, including expanding access to health care for immigrants, more access to college, supporting the safety net for workers left out of pandemic aid, and more. They express optimism on expanding Medi-Cal health benefits to undocumented adults 50 and older, food assistance for all, and advance the idea of providing “replacement income” to help unemployed immigrants survive the pandemic crisis.

Guests: California State Sen. María Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director, SIREN, Fresno, CA.


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