Infrastructure Plan and Preparedness for Disasters.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1
PROGRAM # 9458 12:00 PM PDT

Infrastructure Plan and Preparedness for Disasters.

The Infrastructure Act signed this month into law invests billions in communities to help them deal with the devastating effects of extreme weather events such as wildfires, droughts and floods. The investments will help communities to adapt to climate change and recover more quickly from disasters that are more frequent and severe each year. When and how can we expect the first disaster mitigation measures to be felt in the most disadvantaged communities under this plan? What are new programs to help communities and families being created? A FEMA official talks about the details. Also, after warning about the heavy economic and social costs of the current disasters and how extreme climate events are here to stay, an environmental advocate discusses the special importance for Latinos of climate resilience programs and the need to add the investments inculded in the Build Back Better plan. Finally, a Red Cross expert gives advice on how to create an emergency plan for families to know what to do in times of crisis.

Guests: Daniel Llargués, Spokesperson, FEMA, Washington, DC; Antonieta Cadiz, Spokesperson, Climate Power, Houston, TX; Grace Meinhofer Torres, Spokesperson, American Red Cross, Miami, FL.


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