Biden Infrastructure Plan.

Monday_673x324(2)MONDAY, APRIL 12
PROGRAM # 9223 12:00 PM PDT

Biden Infrastructure Plan.

Announcing it as a jobs bill, President Biden put forward a giant infrastructure plan for a massive overhaul of corporate taxes that would raise 2 trillion to help fix roads and bridges, as well as create clean water programs, high-speed internet, and the electrical grid. From the nation’s capital, a reporter talks about the known details of the plan and the positions from centrist and progressive Democratas as well as the leaders in the Republican Senate. The infrastructure plan is said to catalyze the fight against climate change by hastening the shift to cleaner energy sources and weatherize millions of buildings. It would also help promote racial equality in the economy and deal with air pollution affecting Black and Latino communities near ports and power plants. An environmental advocate discusses these topics and the challenges ahead to the plan.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Esther Sosa, Project Manager, Political Affairs Team, Environmental Defense Fund, Washington, DC.


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