Build Back Better Bill, World Climate Summit.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11
PROGRAM # 9439 12:00 PM PDT

Build Back Better Bill, World Climate Summit.

Democrats passed last week a historic infrastructure package but continue struggling to pass a major bill on social spending and climate change. The infrastructure bill is scheduled to be signed into law by President Biden next week, when the House is also expected to vote on the social spending legislation What’s in and what’s out of the Build Back Better spending bill? This program includes news on the climate summit in Glasgow. In a related conversation, a city mayor from California’s Central Valley comments on the projected impact of the Build Back Better Act in rural communities. He also explained his city’s Green Raiteros program, a nonprofit electric vehicle ridesharing program designed to provide clean transportation for farmworkers. He also called on the state to come up with stricter zero-emission rules to mitigate the disproportionate impact of pollution on low-income rural communities.

Guests: Jose Lopez Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Rey León, Mayor, Huron, CA; Alejandra Ramirez, National Campaigns Manager, CHISPA, Los Angeles, CA


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