An Appeal for Children.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10
PROGRAM # 9530 12:00 PM PT

An Appeal for Children.

The double whammy of the Omicron variant and the expiration of advance Child Tax Credit payments has left many families high and dry. Advocates urge President Biden to take executive actions such as creating a Children’s cabinet and urge Congress to resuscitate bills like the Child Tax Credit and affordable child care. An analyst talks about the impact of the Child Tax Credit among largely impoverished Latino families and children without social security numbers. In another story, as childcare initiatives are stalled in Congress, a study reveals that 16,000 childcare centers have closed permanently around the country during the pandemic, hitting working women the hardest. Finally, a medical expert comments on the massive surge in Covid infections and discusses the process to authorize vaccine for children, encouraging parents to vaccinate eligible children to protect them against hospitalization.

Guests: Dr. Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Director, Institute for Children, Youth and Family Policy, Brandeis University, Waltham/Boston, MA; Xochitl Oceguera, National Vice President, Moms Rising, California; Dr. Diego R. Hijano, Top Infectious Disease Specialist, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.

Photo: Jim Griffin via flickr

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