Paid Leave for the US. Medical Aid-in-Dying Laws. March for Blue Cards.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 25
PROGRAM # 8593 12:00 PM PT

Paid Leave for the US.

A former small business owner who was not able to benefit from California’s paid family leave policy after she gave birth and experienced postpartum depression joins this edition to comment on the issue. A US congressman is examining stories like hers and others who have participated in the oldest state-based paid family leave program in the country to come up with legislation on national paid family and medical leave. A leading promoter of the policy says that the US has alarming rates of infant mortality and the worst case of maternity deaths in the industrialized world, and that Latinos are the least covered by family paid leave programs.

Guests: Jimena de la Rosa, Small Business Owner, Mother, Los Angeles, CA; Fabiola Santiago, Campaign Director, Paid Leave US, San Francisco, CA

Medical Aid-in-Dying Laws. A Latina mother with incurable cancer is making a call on state legislators, including her home state of Nevada, to pass laws that allow adults with terminal diseases, have the option of medical help to die and peacefully end their suffering. This week, legislators in Nevada postponed debates and voting on a related bill. Ten other states are considering bills that would allow adults this right. Eight states have medical aid laws to die. New Jersey became the latest last week.

Guests: (Audio Recording) Hanna Olivas, Terminally-Ill Patient, Las Vegas, NV; Patricia González Portillo, Spokesperson, Compassion and Choices, Los Angeles, CA.

March for Blue Cards. A national leader of organized farmworkers calls for a march and rally to show interest and support for a congressional bill that would allow farm workers to get Blue Cards for temporary residence, then Green Cards for permanent residency, and later citizenship.

Guest: Teresa Romero, President, United Farm Workers of America – UFW, Bakersfield, CA.

Photo: PL+US/Facebook

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