Latino Small Business: Relief Funds. The Social Bridging Project. New Orders Tackle Climate Change.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27
PROGRAM # 9154 12:00 PM PST

Latino Small Business: Relief Funds.

Latino small businesses were short-changed during the last Covid relief program. Are they getting a fairer share this time? A national leader of Latino business explains the new regulations of the Payroll Protection Program, the eligibility requirements, how to spend the money to have the debt forgiven, and how to apply. He also comment on a new bill in Congress seeks funds for small businesses along the border corridor devastated by the pandemic emergency.

A small Latino businesses that were given a piggyback in the latest federal loan program to overcome the crisis generated by the coronavirus pandemic. And a new congressional bill seeks funding to help small businesses along the border devastated by the pandemic emergency. And on the nomination of Isabel Guzmán to lead the SBA.

Guest: Ramiro Cavazos, National President and CEO, US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio, TX.

The Social Bridging Project.

What is being done to help older people combat the isolation, depression and loneliness caused by the Covid-19 pandemic?, for which a program announced as first in the nation called “Listos” was launched in California to combat social isolation through one-on-one communication with older people living alone, and will give them access to nutritious meals, mental health services, Covid testing, and other resources.  A representative of this state initiative shares information about urgent services they have provided in recent days and the ways callers gain trust and advise elders against fraud.

Guest: Ana Cobian, Spokesperson, The Social Bridging Project, Los Angeles, CA.

New Orders Tackle Climate Change.

President Biden sings an executive order to reactivate the fight against Climate Change. He raised climate change to a top national security issue, ordered mass production of green vehicles and replace the entire government fleet with electric vehicles and pledged to place environmental justice on the front burner, to deal with contamination and public health in Black and Latino communities. An environmental leader discusses the new orders and addresses the fears of job losses of those who depend on the oil and gas industry along the Texas border.

Guest: Ramon Cruz, National President, The Sierra Club, Brooklyn, NY.

President Biden signed today new executive orders focusing on polution and environmental justice to fight climate change. He raised climate change to a top national security issue, ordered mass production of green vehicles and replace the entire government fleet with electric vehicles.


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