Sheepherders Battle Sheep Industry.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8.
PROGRAM # 7626 12:00 PM PT

Sheepherders Battle Sheep Industry.

Immigrant shepherds are fighting the sheep industry and federal labor authorities in court, accusing sheep ranches around the West of conspiring to keep wages low and to federal agencies for allowing wages to drop to illegally low levels. Up to 2,500 guest workers, mostly from South America, are in the country working as sheepherders in ranches in western states. This program also looks into the new rules proposed by the Department of Labor to hike pay for the herders.

Guests: Nina DiSalvo, Executive Director, Towards Justice, Denver, CO,; Polo, Shepherd in Colorado, California; Leo, Shepherd in Colorado, California; Ricardo Pérez, Executive Director, Hispanic Affairs Project, Montrose, CO.


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