Stimulus Package. California School Reopening. The Social Bridging Project.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JANUARY 7
PROGRAM # 9140 12:00 PM PST

Stimulus Package.

The first coronavirus aid checks are on the way and unemployment programs are set to be restarted as part of the new Covid-19 relief package as the fight for larger payments continue in the senate. The stimulus bill also provides protections against evictions and foreclosures on homes as well as expanded food assistance. A leading member of the congressional group that crafted the final relief bill explains the key parts of the package.

Guests: Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, Washington, DC.

California School Reopening. Governor Newsom unveiled a new plan to resume in-person instruction, especially for the youngest students, and those facing serious learning challenges, including poor students, homeless students, and foster children. Welcomed by leaders of teachers and school workers, the plan comes with a 2 billion aid package to help pay for PPE, Covid testing, and other safety measures.

The Social Bridging Project. Under a state initiative, California mobilizes more than 1,000 callers to reach out to older people who are isolating at home. The project, announced as first in the nation, will combat social isolation through one-on-one communication with older people living alone, and will give them access to nutritious meals, mental health services, Covid testing, and other resources.

Guest: Ana Cobian, The Social Bridging Project, Listos California, Los Angeles, CA

Photo: Vero Tax & Notary Services/Facebook

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