Update on Covid, Oral Health and Stroke.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28
PROGRAM # 9240 12:00 PM PDT

Update on Covid, Oral Health and Stroke.

Latinos continue being the hardest hit by the pandemic and public health officials are ramping up efforts to combat false information and promote trust in science. A public health leader dispels rumors about the Covid-19 vaccine circulating in the media and on the internet, talks about how to rely on trusted sources and shares the latest on the disabling effects of long-term Covid, and the relief the vaccine brings to some. In other news, April is oral cancer awareness month and an expert tells us how to detect it early and how quitting smoking and drinking lowers the risk of getting it. In addition, a specialist warns that the pandemic year has been particularly stressful for women, and stress increases blood pressure and this in turn leads to strokes. The medical researcher provides recommendations to detect symptoms early.

Guests: Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable, Community Engagement Alliance against Covid Disparities, National Health Institute, Washington, DC; Dr. Ileana Piña, Professor of Medicine, Wayne State University, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Central Michigan University, Senior Fellow to the Food and Drug Administrations’ Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Mount Pleasant, MI; Dr. Joehassin Cordero, Professor of Otolaryngology and Chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX.

Photo: brookings.edu

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