Fair Pay for Guest Workers.


Mexican guest workers who were recruited and brought into the U.S. by landscaping giant TruGreen on H-2B visas have reached a settlement with the company. The plaintiffs complained that failing to reimburse travel and immigration-related expenses violated the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Under the agreement, the national provider of landscape services will reimburse the workers for those expenses. In this program, former TruGreen landscape workers share their guest-worker experience and a legal expert comment on the ramifications of the case.

Guests: Lilian Lopez Gracián, Legal Adviser, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Mexico City, www.cdmigrante.org ; Ex-workers of TruGreen, Juan Carlos Arauz Canela, Tlaxcala, Mexico; Manuel Arreola Bustillos, Chihuahua, Mexico.



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