New Stimulus Bill. Also, Vaccine for Frontline Workers.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25
PROGRAM # 9179 12:00 PM PST

New Stimulus Bill.

A House committee released the Democrats’ Covid-19 relief plan and the full House is expected to vote on it this week. One element of the plan continues being contentious: raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. What’s in the bill and what’s out? At the same time, US Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto is reintroducing a bill that would protect millions of unemployed workers from losing their health insurance during the pandemic.

Guests: Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA; Others TBA.

Vaccine for Frontline Workers. A California state legislator talks about a legislation and calls from rural lawmakers on the governor to prioritize distribution of Covid vaccines and rapid tests among farm and food workers. He is also urging authorities to reach out to those workers in their language.

Guest: Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, Sacramento, CA.


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