New Rules for Guest Worker Program.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 21.
PROGRAM # 7526 12:00 PM PT

New Rules for Guest Worker Program.

The U.S. government published new rules for the H-2B program that offers transnational workers a number of protections for the first time. Up to 66,000 people with H-2B visas travel to the United States each year to perform non-agricultural, low-wage work, including landscaping, seafood processing, and carnival operations. The rules also include stronger protections for U.S. workers. The rules come at the end of a long legal battle that caused the H-2B program to be temporarily suspended in March. The federal government will now be accepting public comments about the new rules through the end of June. On this program, workers and advocates discuss these groundbreaking regulations.

Guests: Meredith Stewart, Staff Attorney, Southern Poverty Law Center, New Orleans, LA; Clermont Ripley, Staff Attorney, Workers’ Rights Project at the North Carolina Justice Center, Raleigh, NC; Jorge Palafox, Former H-2B Worker; México

Photo: National Guest Worker Alliance

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