Groundbreaking Protections for Farmworkers. Also, Coal Plants to Make a Comeback.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 24
PROGRAM # 8635 12:00 PM PT

Groundbreaking Protections for Farmworkers.

The New York Assembly and Senate passed farm labor bills that for the first time give farmworkers the right to unionize, collect overtime pay and unemployment benefits, and take at least one day off per week. Despite the opposition of the agricultural industry, Gov. Cuomo is expected to sign it into law. In California, after reports that farmworkers continued working despite the toxic smoke during the recent wildfires, state legislators created a bill to protect outdoor workers from wildfires. And dozens of farm workers fell ill after being exposed to pesticides in California’s Central Valley.

Guests: Armando Elenes, Secretary Treasurer, UFW, Bakersfield, CA

Coal Plants to Make a Comeback. The EPA finalized its plan to roll back Obama-era climate change policy, limiting coal-fired power emissions. Obama’s policy would have required states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by requiring power plants to use new technology or to switch to renewable energy sources.

Guest: Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto, Climate Scientist, Union Of Concerned Scientist, Silver Spring, MD


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