New Anti Wage-Theft Law.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15.
PROGRAM # 7631 12:00 PM PT

New Anti Wage-Theft Law.

California Gov. Brown signed into law a historic wage theft bill that targets employers who steal wages from their workers.  The new law, known as Fair Day’s Pay Act, gives state authorities more tools to crackdown on employers cited for wage theft to secure unpaid wages. Advocates of low-wage workers hail the measure and provide practical details about the implementation process.

Guests: Sen. Kevin de León, California Senate President Pro Tempore, Los Angeles, CA; Anel Flores, Program and Legal Coordinator, Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund, Los Angeles, CA; Hilda López, Garment Worker, Los Angeles, CA; Elsa Castañeda, Cabin Cleaning Worker, Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Wally Gobetz/Flickr

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