No Water for One Million Texans. Also, Saving Neighborhood Taquerías.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3
PROGRAM # 9184 12:00 PM PST

No Water for One Million Texans.

The power is back across Texas after the winter storms, but about a million residents, especially in small towns, are still without drinking water. Fixing the broken pipes and flooded homes will cost billions. Who will be responsible for the power and water outages? What emergency assistance is available? Also, a climate expert discusses the impact of global warming on this kind of extreme storms

Guests: Lina Hidalgo, Chief Executive Officer, Harris County, Houston, TX (TBC); Antonieta Cádiz, Spokesperson, Climate Power 2020, Houston, TX (TBC).

Saving Neighborhood Taquerías. A plan to establish a multi-billion revitalization fund to support independent restaurants and small franchisees on the verge of closing because of the Covid-19 crisis is being proposed in Congress. The fund would bring retroactive relief to hard-hit neighborhood restaurants or bars.

Guest: US Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-NM, Washington, DC (TBC).


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