Undocumented Kids Get Health Care. Also, Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 7878 12:00 PM PST.

Undocumented Kids Get Health Care.

Four months after undocumented children have been allowed to enroll in California’s Medi-Cal program, nearly 20,000 undocumented children have signed up for the first time to receive low-cost or free health insurance under this state version of Medicaid. Tens of thousands more are expected to apply in the next months. How is the enrollment into full Medi-Cal working so far? What are the barriers faced by undocumented families? An analyst also brings news on California’s petition to the federal government to allow undocumented immigrants to buy health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

Guests: Imelda Plascencia, Health Policy Outreach Manager, Latino Coalition for a Healthy California, Los Angeles, CA; Wendy Pech, Community Health Promoter, Clinica Romero, mother of a beneficiary of Medi-Cal expansion, Los Angeles, CA.

Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers. Gov. Brown signed historic legislation that grants overtime pay to farmworkers in California, a first in the nation. A leader of the labor movement calls this a giant step on the road to get the nation to end decades of exclusion of farmworkers from federal labor protections.

Guest: Arturo Rodriguez , President, United Farm Workers of America.

Photo: newamericamedia.org

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