Latina Women: Health and Finances. Fatal Bullying. California Bans Toxic Pesticide.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 14
PROGRAM # 8715 12:00 PM PT

Latina Women: Health and Finances.

Latina women entrepreneurs gather this week in a summit in Berkeley, CA to discuss plans towards developing cooperative businesses that benefit them, their families and their communities. Advancing the idea that women need to “cuddle” their finances, body, mind and spirit, participants place comprehensive health care at the center of their business plans.

Guest: Claudia Arroyo, Community Education Director, Prospera, Oakland, CA.

Fatal Bullying. A young teen student died after a brutal on-campus attack by classmates amid reports of bullying and escalating violence in the school scene of the crime in Southern California. How can parents recognize the signs of bullying? What to do about it? An expert pediatrician talks about it and on the lifelong health problems caused by experiencing at a young age racism and discrimination, either through bullying or social exclusion.

Guest: Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Pediatrician, AltaMed Health Services, Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, CA.

California Bans Toxic Pesticide. California is banning the sale of chlorpyrifos, a toxic pesticide linked to brain damage in children. Under an agreement reached with the manufacturer, all spraying of chlorpyrifos in California will end by early 2020. Farmworkers’ and health groups are hailing California’s bold move.

Guest: Nayamin Martinez, Director, Central California Environmental Justice Network, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Prospera/Facebook

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