Labor Movement Today.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6
PROGRAM # 9370 12:00 PM PDT

Labor Movement Today.

In this Labor Day edition, a legendary labor pioneer discusses top issues of high interest to Latino workers, including Covid protections in the workplace, programs of childcare, health care and college education in the infrastructure package, a bill in California to extend vote-by-mail rights or farm workers during union elections, the recall election in California, and the ramp up of the redistricting process. A top union official shares his views on the challenges for Latino workers in times of Covid, the impact on Latinos of the expiration of federal unemployment benefits, the infrastructure plan in Congress, and the fight for a $15 minimum wage.

Guests: Dolores Huerta, President, The Dolores Huerta Foundation, Co-Founder, United Farm Workers – UFW, Bakersfield, CA; Riko Mendes, Chief Elected Officer, SEIU 521, Spokesperson, SEIU International, San Jose, CA.


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