Human Rights in San Quintin. Also, Fighting Wage Theft.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 28.
PROGRAM # 7509 12:00 PM PT

Human Rights in San Quintin.

A leading Mexican senator comments on the results of a fact-finding mission on human rights in the agro-export fields in San Quintin, where laborers live “in conditions similar to the ones in the XVIII or XIX centuries.”

Guest: Sen. Angélica de la Peña, Chair, Human Rights Commission of Mexico’s Senate, Mexico City.

Also, Fighting Wage Theft. State senators in California held hearings on a bill to protect low-wage workers and target companies that cheat workers and commit wage theft, a problem that “has reached epidemic proportions in California.”

Guest: Lilia García Brower, Executive Director, Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund, Los Angeles,


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