Megarallies: 10 Years Later. Also, Wendy’s Boycott.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 8.
PROGRAM # 7734 12:00 PM PT

Megarallies: 10 Years Later.

A mega demonstration in Chicago on March 10, 2006 was the spark that ignited a Spring of megarallies throughout the US to protest anti-immigrant legislation HR 4437 in Congress. To mark the anniversary, attorney Rosalba Piña, leading organizers of the historic Chicago march, reflect on the event and its repercussions.

Guest: Rosalba Piña, Expert on Immigration Law, Chicago, IL; Rafael Pulido, “El Pistolero”, Radio Personality, Chicago, IL.

Wendy’s Boycott. A farmworkers coalition from Florida has announced a national boycott of Wendy’s, the world’s third largest hamburger chain, for refusing to join their Fair Food program. Wendy’s is the last of the five major US fast food giants who has not signed on the social-responsibility code of conduct proposed by the labor group. This is the second time the coalition calls for a national boycott as part of their campaign for fair food.

Guests: Gerardo Reyes, Coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Columbus, OH.


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