Extra Edition: Moms Engaging Latino Voters. Also, Age Discrimination.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 6
PROGRAM # 9769 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Moms Engaging Latino Voters.

On National Hispanic Heritage Month, a group of Latino parents are coordinating community events around the nation to highlight the heavy impact air pollution and climate change are having on the health of Latino children. communities. A leading member of this effort discusses what the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act means for Latino families and their efforts to engage Latino voters in battleground states. Also, another guest analyst talks about the poverty hotspots, as hunger is on the rise in the US.

Guests: Carolina Peña, Program Manager, EcoMadres, Washington, DC; José Santos Woss, Director of Judicial Reform of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, Washington, DC.

Age Discrimination. While the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic may be over, the virus continues to affect workplaces, particularly older workers. Many older workers who lost their jobs are struggling to get rehired, facing age discrimination. An advocate shares data and discusses the issue.

Photo: EcoMadres via Facebook

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