Arizona Teachers. Also, The Case About Union Fees.

Wednesday_673x324 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18
PROGRAM # 8310 12:00 PM PT

Arizona Teachers. After a month of teacher protests and walk-ins at more than 1,000 schools, and plans to stage a massive walkout, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey proposed to raise teacher salaries 20 percent. Arizona teachers are among the lowest paid in the country. Leaders of the teachers have serious questions about the proposal, including the lack of funding increases for other school needs, and called on teachers to vote on it. Today, teachers around the state vote on whether to accept the governor’s offer or walk out, like teachers in West Virginia and Oklahoma. A well-know journalist comments on Ducey’s move, the genesis of this movement and its prospects.

Guest: Elvia Díaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ.

The Case About Union Fees. The US Supreme Court could rule in the next few weeks on Janus vs. AFSCME. The legal case, which would weaken the power of public unions, is about allowing public sector unions or not to collect fees from employees who decide not to join the union that represents them, while benefitting from the contracts that the unions negotiate. A union leader from the public sector comments on the ramifications of this case.

Guest: Max Arias, Executive Director, SEIU Local 99, Los Angeles, CA


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