Tackling the Growing Medical Bills. Also, Citizenship Question: Off the Census.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 3
PROGRAM # 8642 12:00 PM PT

Tackling the Growing Medical Bills.

A national health care analyst discusses a bipartisan bill moving through the US Senate aimed at helping protect families who are suffering from rising health care costs and poor quality care. How are these problems of paying for health care and navigating the health care system playing out with voters? Also, a discussion on the US Department of Health proposed new rules to weaken federal prohibitions against discrimination in health care. On other news, a psychotherapist comments on the toll that is having among men the stigma of mental illness. Living in silence with depression or anxiety is killing men, she says, and warns about the punitive policies by some police departments against officers who choose to seek mental help.

Guests: Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Families USA, Washington, DC; Dr. Lina Zapata, Physician, Psychiatrist and Professor at the Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia.

Citizenship Question: Off the Census. The Trump administration announced it is sending the census questionnaires to print without the controversial citizenship question, in a development Latino leaders greet as a very important victory. Hour later, President Trump denied that the question will be removed and warned that he will continue his fight to include it.

Guests: Arturo Vargas, Executive Director, NALEO, Los Angeles, CA; Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State and National Latino Census Commission Co-Chair, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: nwim.org

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