Landmark Gig Workers Law.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18
PROGRAM # 8697 12:00 PM PT

Landmark Gig Workers Law.

Calling it a landmark legislation that will help reduce worker misclassification as independent contractors, rather than employees, California Gov. Newsom signed a gig workers bill into law. The measure will transform hundreds of thousands of independent contractors into employees with basic worker protections like minimum wage, paid sick days and health insurance. Championed by the unions, the new law is facing pushback from Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, Amazon, and other gig companies. The new California law is having an impact on the national debate about the gig economy. A legislator explains the bill, a union leader hails it as a big victory, while representatives of professional interpreters and the ethnic media community show frustration they were not included in the dialogue.

Guests: Miguel Santiago, Assemblyman, Los Angeles, CA; Gilda Valdez, Chief of Staff, SEIU Local 721, Los Angeles, CA; Madeline Rios, Certified Spanish/English translator and Interpreter, Claremont, CA; Gabriel Lerner, Editorial Director, La Opinión, Los Angeles, CA.


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