Texas Voter ID Law. Also, Wendy’s and Fair Food. Also, Comey’s Testimony. Also, Death by White Vigilantes.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JUNE 8
PROGRAM # 8084 12:00 PM PT

Texas Voter ID Law.

After a federal judge ruled that Texas voter ID law intentionally discriminates against back and Latino voters, the state softened in recent days the voter ID requirements, considered the strictest in the nation. Texas’ lawyers face a new hearing this week on remedies for voting violations.

Guests: Lydia Camarillo, Vice President, Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project, San Antonio, TX.

Wendy’s and Fair Food. Farmworker organizers from Florida and their allies took the fight for fair food to the shareholder meeting of Wendy’s, the fast-food giant, at the company’s headquarters in Dublin, OH. Wendy’s is the last big fast-food chain that hasn’t joined the “fair food” code of conduct. A leader of the protest talks about how it went.

Guest: Lucas Benítez, Co-Founder, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL

Comey’s Testimony. Former FBI director, James Comey, told a committee of the US Senate that he was fired by Trump because of the Rusia investigation, he charged the Trump administration with lying and suggested he leaked his notes to prompt the appointment of a special counsel on Russia.

Guest: (audio cuts) James Comey, Testimony, Intelligence Committee, US Senate, Washington, DC.

Death by White Vigilantes. A young Mexican American father died in Houston after being beaten and choked by an off-duty deputy and her husband, who tried to detain him using deadly force. The incident, videotaped by a witness, has sparked public protests in the city.

Guest: Atziri Avila, Contributor, Houston, TX.

Photo: texastribune.org

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