Brain Injuries and Domestic Violence. New State Laws for 2023. Buying a Health Insurance Plan.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, JANUARY 12
PROGRAM # 9884 12:00 PM PT

Brain Injuries and Domestic Violence.

The recent hospitalization of an NFL star put the story of brain trauma in the headlines. Less reported is the story that domestic violence victims suffer from head injuries more often than football players and soldiers who survive wars. Still, domestic violence survivors often go undiagnosed and untreated. Experts comment on this from Colorado, a state that’s seeing a sike in domestic violence deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic months.

New State Laws for 2023. A number of new laws are going into effect in California this new year. Analysts report and comment on some laws that will impact the life of Californians, including abortion protections, ban on flavored tobacco, farm worker unionization, fast food workers, street food vendors, minimum wage increase, workplace safety during emergencies, new oil and gas wells, and more.

Buying a Health Insurance Plan. The federal Open Enrollment period for health insurance coverage used to end on Dec 15 in most states, but now it’s extended an extra month and ends on Jan 15. How to buy a health plan? What subsidies and help are available? An expert shares tips.

Photo: Yuris Alhumaydy via Unsplash

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