Latinos and Covid-19. Also, Job Loss, Financial Shock.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 20
PROGRAM # 8890 12:00 PM PT

Latinos and Covid-19.

In California, Latinos in certain groups are dying in worrying numbers because the social “umbrellas” that Latinos rely on for protection have huge holes in them. This is a conversation with a distinguished academic who is following Covid-19 cases among Latinos.

Guest: Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, Director, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Job Loss, Financial Shock. During the current pandemic, workers have lost more than one trillion in income and many of those losing money include those who remain employed. How long will it take for workers to get their jobs and their money back?

Guest: Dr. Alex Alonso, Chief Knowledge Officer, Society for Human Resource Management, Washington, DC.


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