Latino Home Buying. Also, Common Core Tests: Confusion.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4.
PROGRAM # 7645 12:00 PM PT

Latino Home Buying.

Homeownership rates among Latino households have been declining since the last recession. Many are still recovering from the housing crash and struggle to buy a home when they move. Why are Latinos less able to buy a home? An expert reports on the state of the housing market and discusses the barriers Latinos face to purchase a home.

Guest: Gerardo “Jerry” Ascencio, Director and Foundation Chairman, National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) Foundation, Los Angeles, CA,

Also, Common Core Tests: Confusion. The first year of Common Core-based tests in California is over and the results are in. They show that while most students are struggling with the new standardized exams, English learners and Latinos scored among the lowest levels. Many students and parents are confused about the Common Core results. A leader of parents tries to dispel the confusion.

Guest: Yvonna Cazares, Director of Committee for Student Participation, PTA California, Fresno, CA,

Photo: NCLR Blog

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