Latinos Hardest Hit by Air Pollution. Also, Finding Climate Money. Also, Foreclosure Relief for Disaster Areas.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28
PROGRAM # 8275 12:00 PM PT

Latinos Hardest Hit by Air Pollution.

Communities of color in the US are hit the most with hazardous air pollution, facing a higher risk of asthma, heart attacks and other diseases. EPA scientists reached this conclusion after studying refineries, factories, and other high-emission sources. A leading environmentalist comments about the critical need for government action.

Guest: Javier Sierra, Associate Director of Communications/Columnist, Sierra Club, Arlington, VA.

Finding Climate Money. A new online tool allows people in California to find money from cap and trade programs to invest in green projects such as planting trees, community gardens, build affordable housing in disadvantaged communities. Families can also to get solar power and electric cars. An expert talks about this new tool.

Guest: Alvaro Sánchez, Environmental Equity Director, The Greenlining Institute, Oakland, CA.

Foreclosure Relief for Disaster Areas. Federal housing officials announced new foreclosure help for struggling homeowners who live or work in areas devastated by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, or California wildfires and flooding and mudslides. Among the measures, struggling homeowners can now get “silent second mortgages,” quick, with low interest rates, and deferred payments. A federal official provides details of this plan.

Guest: Nelson Bregón, Associate Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Field Policy and Management , US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.


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